Professional Approach
Dog Rescue Thailand is a non-profit organization which main purpose is to give the stray dogs in our area a better life and to diminish the number of suffering stray dogs. How we reach this goal? We spay and neuter as many dogs as possible. We vaccinate them and provide medical care if they need it. Every day we go out and feed the stray dogs in the area. And we find loving people around the globe to adopt the dogs.
Support the dogs
We are a small organization, and we depend on donations to keep our work going. We have no support from the authorities and therefore we put our trust in caring individuals and companies that support us.
Let’s Make a Significant, Lifesaving Impact
Show your love for animals and help every stray dog find the loving home they deserve.
What we do :
- Spay and neuter – By spaying and neutering the dogs, we slowly reduce the stray dog population. We also help people with limited funds, who want their dogs & cats neutered.
- Medical care – We make sure that the stray dogs get the treatment they need. Our veterinarian comes to Mae Phim on call and treats the dogs for skin diseases, wounds or other problems and vaccinates against rabies.
- Feeding the street dogs – Imagine you had to roam the streets every day looking desperately for a few crumbs of food. How would you feel? That would be a miserable, sad and dangerous life. This is why we go out every single day of the year, to feed the street dogs in the area. In this way we ensure that the dogs receive one healthy meal a day. By interacting with the staff they are friendly and we can gain their trust to capture them for treatments and neutering.
- Adoption – Every dog, as every human, deserves a loving home. Our goal is to find a home for the dogs we care for, in Thailand or abroad. If you can’t adopt, please be so kind and sponsor monthly.
Following you find some examples of our expenses :
- Dog food
- Medication and Vaccines
- Sterilization/Neutering
- Severe cases need hospital stays and surgeries that cannot be performed in the shelter
- Shelter costs (rent, electricity, water, maintenance)
- Shelter Staff and Veterinarian
- Transportation and Gasoline
Every contribution will make a difference and on our website you’ll find information about every amount and likewise all the expenses. Dog Rescue Thailand is a foundation where all the means provided for the dogs are presented without any disappearance on the way.
About the situation for stray animals
We often get comments from people (mostly western people visiting or living in Thailand), that it would be better to put the stray dogs to sleep because there are to many of them and a lot of them are suffering. There are also people killing dogs and cats by poisoning or putting pieces of glass in food, that they leave out for the animals to eat. We know that poisoning is a method that the authorities use to get rid of the stray animals. Dying by poison or by glass tearing you apart from the inside is, as you all can understand, a terrible and painful way to die. In the Thai culture you don’t put living animals to sleep because of that Buddhism, that says that you should respect the living and that we all will go on living through reincarnation. This can mean that people sometimes see street dogs as a person who had bad karma and because of that the animal don’t get the respect it deservers.
Dog Rescue Thailand’s, as other animal rescue organizations goal is, to reduce the population of stray animals in a humane way. We do that by neutering as many dogs and cats as we can. Sometimes we use the TNR-method (trap neuter return) which means that we neuter and vaccinate the animal and return it to where it was found and what it sees as its home. We also feed the stray dogs to be able to easier catch them and neuter them and also keep track of the number of stray dogs in the area. Some dogs and cats are terrified of humans and because of that, it can take months to get close to them, but we do our best.
Dogs and cats are a part of Thailand. And by feeding, treating and neutering them, we keep them healthy and calm. Using these methods is the best way to make dogs, cats and humans coexist in an environment that both them and we, like to call our home. There are so many creators around the world getting tortured, mistreated and killed so let us try to open our hearts to the ones around us. Every creator deserves respect and love.
Your Help Makes The Difference!
Meet Our Featured
Your donation helps dogs most in need. You can help dogs that we would otherwise not be able to facilitate.

Volunteer manager

Board member & Marketing manager

Board member

Doctor Visarut

Khun Uh
Shelter manager

Marketing & Content Creator