
Home / Sunday

Om mig

Sunday! The sunshine pup! He’s got the personality that will turn your day bright and exciting just by being around him! He’s fun, he’s playful, and he’s got a winning smile! 😀 An amazing thing considering what he has gone through. We found him as a puppy with his eyes swollen and filled with maggots. It was a heartbreaking sight as the poor boy was just so small when we found him. After all that, he fought through everything.

His eye did not heal properly and it left him with a crooked face but that doesn’t change that he is still the cutest pup you’ll ever see! He’s friendly with people, very playful and incredibly clever too! Easy to train because he’s obedient and loves to learn. He would make the best pet for any home! With or without kids.

His lifestyle is more outdoorsy and he LOVES to explore or just spend time with his future human. Maybe that future human could be you!

Vill du adoptera mig?

Do you have questions about how to get Sunday all the way to his new cozy bed? Please don’t hesitate to contact us: