
Home / Platu

Om mig

Platu is the miracle child of his mother, Tumar.

His mother was found during one of our sterilisation campaigns and had the worst skin necrosis case we have ever seen. It was a horrific sight, and during that time, she was pregnant too!

And then there came Platu! He was a beautiful and healthy puppy that was energetic and loved to play with everyone! Now that he’s older, he still loves to play with everyone and he is actually quite fond of strangers, although it takes some time for him to get used to people.

He’s lovely to other dogs too, and with some training, he will be the perfect pet for any family too! “Platu” means Mackerel in English! Justlike his name suggests, He LOVES to swim.

So if you or your family loves to travel or go to the beach, Platu would be the perfect pet for you!

Vill du adoptera mig?

Do you have questions about how to get Platu all the way to his new cozy bed? Please don’t hesitate to contact us: