
Home / Noory

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If there was a competition for who has the biggest ears in the shelter, Noory would definitely win! Being so small, Noory is actually quite feisty and energetic, thinking to take on anyone even if they were 10 times her size.

Noory will bark at strangers, acting like a guard dog but run away when you come close. Her personality is far bigger than she actually is but it is just so adorable to see her think that she is such a tough pup! We found Noory covered in scabs and wounds just abandoned at the side of the road, alone. It seems like someone must have just left her there, which is so heartbreaking to think that someone would be so cruel as to leave a defenceless, sick puppy all to fend for herself. We took her in and tried our best to take care of her and now, all of her fur is back and she can finally run around without fear and be her true self!

Adopt Noory today! who knows! maybe you will change her life!

Vill du adoptera mig?

Do you have questions about how to get Noory all the way to her new cozy bed? Please don’t hesitate to contact us: