
Home / Nikki

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Nikki was found with her mum Nina and her siblings outside in the streets, behind a residential complex. Obviously someone wanted to get rid of the little family! As small breed dogs, they had no chance outside to defend themselves. This is why we took them in to our shelter. The mum Nina, was soon adopted. Her babies are still waiting for their forever loving home! Nikki is a bit unsecure and timid with new people, but if you give her some time to get to know you, she is a very nice little girl with a mind of her own. When visitors come, Nikki is the first who gives the alarm that there soon will be snacks to be delivered 😉 She is attentive to her surroundings and her future family should give her structure and clear friendly rules from the beginning. If you give Nikki a chance, she is a dog with character, who wants to join a family that gives her freedom to explore the world, but at the same time, be her backbone she can trust and rely on, so Nikki feels secure.

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Do you have questions about how to get Nikki all the way to her new cozy bed? Please don’t hesitate to contact us: