
Home / Motto

Om mig


He is one of four other siblings we found as a puppy, abandoned by the side of the road. His siblings have all been lovely, but unfortunately for Motto, he is terrified of people and prefers the company of other dogs more.

We try our best to be gentle to him, but he distrusts humans and most dogs except for the few he is familiar with.

Because of this reason, he will have to stay at our shelter, and it is why he is on our sponsorship list. Sponsoring him will cover all the costs, such as food, water, medication and more, to ensure the best life possible for his stay at our shelter.

If you are interested in sponsoring Motto, it just takes $40 / month to make sure this lovely dog gets the care he deserves to live a continued happy and healthy life. 

Want to Sponsor me?

The Sponsorship is $40 / month. Do you have any more questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact us: