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Seen Jojjo before?

This one-eyed wonder has been in our shelter since 2019! She is an old lady but with how energetic and spry she is, you wouldn’t even be able to tell! What happened to her eye?? To be honest, we don’t know! A kind lady was feeding street dogs and found her in pain, her eye bleeding and no one knew why. It could have been an infection or someone could have hurt her (or both) but we really cannot say for certain what had happened. It was so bad that her eye fell out on its own.

We rushed her to get her treated for her wounds and The vets were horrified to see her in that state. This poor girl suffered through one of the worst things a dog has ever had to go through and we did everything we could to help her get better. That horrible incident was so long ago!

However, as with many dogs with one eye, she can get easily temperamental around other dogs, especially dogs that are energetic. Despite this, she is incredibly sweet to people and very gentle and friendly to any stranger that comes to say hi!

She would have been a great pet but since she has been in our shelter for so long and due to her having just one eye, she may never be adopted. This sweet girl is getting too old. However, YOU can make her life here at our shelter better by helping her out and sponsoring her!

What do you get from sponsoring a dog? Not only will you ensure all of her medical bills will be paid for, but everything she will need and the costs of her living at our shelter will be covered! It doesn’t just help her out but other dogs too as it gives us a chance to make sure all her needs are met while being able to help other dogs in need as well!

If you are interested in sponsoring Jojjo, it just takes $40 / month to make sure this lovely dog gets the care he deserves to live a continued happy and healthy life.

Want to Sponsor me?

The Sponsorship is $40 / month. Do you have any more questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact us: