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This brave mama is named Ginger and she successfully gave birth to four beautiful puppies all while she was sick, weak, malnourished and barely even able to walk. Luckily someone found her and called us and we were able to bring her in. She needed medical attention but because she was still looking after puppies, we had to be careful about what kind of medication we could give her. She was an incredible mother that protected her children with her life until it almost killed her.

A mother’s love will always be undefeated and Ginger would have most likely not made it after her puppies were strong enough to venture off on their own. And now, Ginger is with us. She is an incredibly lovable dog. She’s sweet, kind and gentle towards people and other dogs. Ginger is quite passive, walking away when conflict starts rather than fighting back.

if you are looking for a friendly passive dog, Ginger will be perfect for you! She is incredibly sweet and great with people as well! just be mindful that she has a little limp on her back legs but it doesnt hinder her movability too much! 

Vill du adoptera mig?

Do you have questions about how to get Ginger all the way to her new cozy bed? Please don’t hesitate to contact us: