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Foo! The Thai word for fuzzy or fluffy as she has such a gorgeous fluffy black coat of fur! Foo is not shy to come up to play at all and she would be more than happy to meet new people! Her extroverted personality helps other dogs come out of their timid shell too.

Foo was found alone on Mae Phim beach, lonely and cold until we found her and brought her in. Now she lives at the shelter, happy to greet every single person that walks past her! She often goes up to dogs far bigger than her to play with them too! No matter who or what you are, Foo will try to get you to play with her! She is charismatic and has a big friendly personality! She is also quite mischievous and loves to play in the mud!

Looking for a great companion for yourself or your family? Foo would fit right in! She would enjoy an active lifestyle and also fit very well with children and other dogs too!

Vill du adoptera mig?

Do you have questions about how to get Foo all the way to her new cozy bed? Please don’t hesitate to contact us: