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Chang, Chang, Chang! Have you ever seen a dog like him? He is certainly not your average looking dog.

Chang was found at a gas station with both of his hind legs swollen due to a lymphatic obstruction. But that’s not all! This poor boy suffered from  liver failure, kidney failure and even brugia parasites and more when we took him to the vet. Usually dogs do not have an extra “thumb” in their back legs either, however, Chang has 2 on each side. He is a dog that will be in constant need of medical help but other than what was listed, he eats well and is a playful and cheerful dog that loves everyone! Even making great friends with the other dogs in his Kennel too! 

Due to all of his medical concerns, He has to be put on the sponsorship list as he needs constant medical care, a special diet and medication that he has to take. It is unfortunate that a sweet dog like him will not be able to be adopted as he has such a wonderful personality.

If you are interested in sponsoring Chang, it just takes $40 / month to make sure this lovely dog gets the care he deserves to live a continued happy and healthy life. 

Want to Sponsor me?

The Sponsorship is $40 / month. Do you have any more questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact us: