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What looks like a fierce guard dog who will be barking at any intruder they meet, Cat is actually relatively passive and shy once you get close to him.

It takes time for him to get used to strangers and He can be very cautious of strangers. Often, he won’t come near anyone unless they have food with them. Cat is on the sponsorship list due to his distrust of strangers and age. He often prefers to keep to himself, and if anyone he isn’t familiar with comes close to him, he will run away, making it difficult for new people to connect with him.

If you are interested in sponsoring Cat, it just takes $40 / month to make sure this lovely dog gets the care he deserves to live a continued happy and healthy life. 

Want to Sponsor me?

The Sponsorship is $40 / month. Do you have any more questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact us: