
Home / Rosie

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Meet Rosie, a sweet senior dog who has had a rough life on the streets. Despite her challenges, she has captured our hearts and we have been providing her with food and water every day for years. During one of our sterilization campaigns, we discovered that she had a severe infection, so we brought her into our shelter and nursed her back to health. Now she is living comfortably and safely with us.

Rosie is getting older, and we want to ensure that she spends the rest of her life surrounded by love and care. She has already been through so much, and we want to provide her with a safe haven where she can enjoy her golden years. We are committed to taking care of Rosie for the remainder of her life, but she needs a sponsor to ensure that she receives the best care possible during her time with us.

If you are looking for a way to make a difference in a dog’s life, sponsoring Rosie could be the perfect opportunity. By providing her with support, you will be helping us give her the best possible care and making sure that she is happy and healthy. Together, we can ensure that Rosie gets the love and protection she deserves in her golden years.

If you are interested in sponsoring Rosie, it just takes $40 / month to make sure this lovely dog gets the care he deserves to live a continued happy and healthy life.

Want to Sponsor me?

The Sponsorship is $40 / month. Do you have any more questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact us: