
Home / Bizz

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This precious face is named Bizz!

She was a mother of two beautiful puppies that we couldn’t leave all alone by the beach.

At first, we only found her puppies, belly filled with rocks and crying for their mother. Luckily when their mother came, we couldn’t just say no and decided to take them all with us. Bizz herself was quite young when we found her too

She is very friendly with people, even if you are a stranger. She loves to come up to say hi, and she is excellent around other dogs as well! She would be perfect for any family who is willing to give a bit of an older dog a chance.

She loves to play, and she loves kids too!

Vill du adoptera mig?

Do you have questions about how to get Bizz all the way to her new cozy bed? Please don’t hesitate to contact us: