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Tess wants you to say hi!

This lovely girl came with her sister. We found them both at a dumping ground for alters of all places, surrounded by so many sharp and pointy objects that could hurt them. we could,t risk them getting hurt so we took them in!

She is excellent around strangers and kids, and she is also relatively gentle with people and other dogs too! She may not be as energetic as the other dogs, but he still loves to play and explore.

If you are looking for a friendly dog for your family or if you have dogs of your own and you are looking for a dog that will fit well with them, then Tess is perfect for you!

Vill du adoptera mig?

Do you have questions about how to get Tess all the way to her new cozy bed? Please don’t hesitate to contact us: adopt@dogrescuethailand.com